[INDOLOGY] Call for applications for doctoral fellowships in Indology at UGent

Charles DiSimone disimone at alumni.stanford.edu
Sat Jan 27 23:42:30 UTC 2024

Dear colleagues,

We invite applications for a doctoral fellowships (4 year ) at the South
Asian Ghent Research group (https://research.flw.ugent.be/en/sangh) at
Ghent University. This is a vibrant, interdisciplinary research group
focusing on South Asia and committed to working with primary sources. The
applications run through the Flemish Research Fund, FWO. Details may be
found here

The deadline to complete the application is March 1st, 2024.

Supervisors accepting applicants are:

Prof. Charles DiSimone (Buddhist Studies, charles.disimone at ugent.be)

Prof. Daniela De Simone (Archaeology, daniela.desimone at ugent.be)

Prof. Sara Mondini (Art and Architecture, sara.mondini at ugent.be)

Prof. Tine Vekemans (Jain Studies, History, Migration,
tine.vekemans at ugent.be)

Prof. Eva De Clercq (Jain Studies, Literature ev.declercq at ugent.be)

This is a great opportunity for recent MA graduates and we would appreciate
it if you might forward this information to any potentially interested
parties. The deadline is fast approaching for this fellowship, so we
suggest interested folk make contact as soon as possible.

With best wishes,

Charles DiSimone
Daniela De Simone
Sara Mondini
Tine Vekemans
Eva De Clercq
Dept. of Indian languages and cultures
Ghent University, Belgium

Prof. Dr. Charles DiSimone
Associate Professor of Buddhist Studies
Department of Languages and Cultures
Ghent University
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