[INDOLOGY] Fwd: [Samskrita] Re: Siddhanta font rendering in Word broken after recent update

Harry Spier vasishtha.spier at gmail.com
Mon Sep 18 16:20:08 UTC 2023

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Bandaru Viswanath <vegavahini at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 18 Sept 2023, 12:07
Subject: Re: [Samskrita] Re: Siddhanta font rendering in Word broken after
recent update
To: <samskrita at googlegroups.com>

>From Bandaru Vishwanath

>From that thread on the forum,

Historically there are two Indic layout systems that OpenType supports,
> with the second version, which everyone should be using now, introduced 15
> years ago in 2008. Fonts can contain data for both at the same time. The
> fonts I received confirmed my suspicion that it’s the fonts that only
> support the first version and not the second that stopped working (i.e.
> they contain deva script tag but not dev2). That feels like a deliberate
> decision to drop support for the old Indic shaping and if I had to guess I
> would start with macOS here.

Can I request you to kindly update the following as well on the thread ?

- The Word rendering is broken for "Siddhanta" font in addition to
"Adishila Dev Guru".  Word version 16.76.1, Mac Os Ventura 13.5.2

- I don't see this problem with Libre Office on MAC. Libre Office 7.6.1

- I also don't see this problem with Pages App (from Apple, Word

- This rendering is broken after a Word update recently and not on an Apple

It appears to me that Word's renderer has broken this font, either by
design or by a bug, since I don't see this issue on other similar products
on the same Mac.

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