[INDOLOGY] Whitney and doubling of "ch"

Caley Smith smith.caley at gmail.com
Thu Oct 19 17:11:55 UTC 2023

Not an RV ms, but very palpable undeniable evidence that Vedas were written
well before the colonial period:


On Thu, Oct 19, 2023, 11:46 AM Borayin Larios via INDOLOGY <
indology at list.indology.info> wrote:

> Dear Alakendu Das,
> With all due respect, what you present in your email is the traditional
> view regarding the Vedas which is historically inaccurate. Indeed the oral
> tradition of the Vedas has been strong for millennia and continues up to
> these days among some Brahmin communities across India. However, the Vedas
> were written down in precolonial times and we have enough evidence of this
> before any orientalist such as Max Müller ever heard about the Vedas,
> let alone compiled them into "books". Indeed, Max Müller never set foot in
> India and thus never heard the Vedas first hand. He worked with Indian
> manuscripts (while also consulting traditional pandits via correspondence).
> This matter has been well documented by previous scholarship and indeed the
> excellent work of Cezary Galewicz (and others) is a great place to start
> with the complex question raised by Harry Spiers. For those interested in
> the relationship between orality and literacy in the Vedas, particularly in
> contemporary India can also refer to my OA book: Embodying the
> Vedas.Traditional Vedic Schools of Contemporary Maharashtra
> <https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110517323/html?lang=en>.
> Greetings to all from India.
> Borayin
> __________________
> *Dr. Borayin Larios*
> Head of the Indology Department
> French Institute of Pondicherry
> 11, Saint Louis Street P.B.33,
> Pondicherry 605001
> https://www.ifpindia.org/
> ///
> Researcher at the École française d'Extrême-Orient
> 19 rue Dumas
> 605 001 Pondicherry, India
> https://www.efeo.fr/base.php?code=227
> ///
> Mobile: +91 8608252147 (Indian number)
> Mobile: +43 676 5530274 (Austrian number)
> about.me/borayin.larios
> <https://about.me/borayin.larios?promo=email_sig&utm_source=product&utm_medium=email_sig&utm_campaign=edit_panel&utm_content=plaintext>
> https://borayinlarios.academia.edu/  <https://borayinlarios.academia.edu/>
> On Thu, Oct 19, 2023 at 9:44 PM alakendu das via INDOLOGY <
> indology at list.indology.info> wrote:
>> Mr. Spier,
>> What we have learnt from Indological studies, Vedas were never written.
>> We call it "Apaurasheya"... i. e. not written.
>> The Vedic Mantras came as revealations to the seers( we call them
>> 'Drashta" i. e. one who sees) while in Meditation.
>> The hymns or mantras were then recited orally and passed on across
>> generations of disciples. who memorised them.
>> Finally, sage Vyasa arranged a compilation and  divided them among his 4
>> disciples namely, Poilo, Boishampayan, Jaimini and Sumanta.
>> Thus we got the 4 Vedas
>> In the 19th Century, Max Mueller edited the
>> Vedas.
>> Regards
>> Alakendu  Das.
>> From: indology at list.indology.info
>> Sent: Thu, 19 Oct 2023 19:40:15
>> To: "Hock, Hans Henrich" <hhhock at illinois.edu>
>> Cc: McComas Taylor via INDOLOGY <indology at list.indology.info>
>> Subject: Re: [INDOLOGY] Whitney and doubling of "ch"
>> Hans Heinrich Hock wrote:
>>> Whatever the motivation may be for the spelling with a single <ch> in
>>> the Rig Veda (and let’s keep in mind that the “real” Rig Veda is oral),
>> 1) Can someone point me to some article on when and why the Rg-veda was
>> first written down . what script etc.  Was it a British initiative or was
>> the whole or parts written down before the colonial period?  I've seen in a
>> modern Taittiriya Vedashala the students practicing some of their mantras
>> using  written material.  Did the medieval and later Vedashalas also use
>> written materials to teach their students?
>> 2) Is it possible that this  "Rg-veda written spelling gachati etc." is
>> just a reflection of what was written when the Rg-veda was first written
>> down?
>> Thanks,
>> Harry Spier
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