[INDOLOGY] List of webwites to convert devanagari and transliteration

Harry Spier vasishtha.spier at gmail.com
Mon Oct 9 00:45:35 UTC 2023

Thank you everyone,
I will make a list of all the links I received both on and off list and try
to make a simple feature list and forward it when I get a chance.
Harry Spier

On Sat, Oct 7, 2023 at 9:33 AM victor davella <vbd203 at googlemail.com> wrote:

> In aksharamukha, alm̐la with ISO 15919 as input will give the correct
> output अल्ँल with the candrabindu.
> All the Best,
> Victor
> On Sat, 7 Oct 2023, 12:17 victor davella, <vbd203 at googlemail.com> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I was trying to get the appropriate devanāgarī for trīl̃lokān (cf.
>> https://archive.org/details/sanskritgrammari00whit/page/69/mode/1up
>> especially the middle versoin without virāma), but it seems like most of
>> these sites cannot handle it. If someone is going through all of them and
>> checking for accuracy, this might be one instance where some improvement is
>> required (e.g. aksharamukha will give त्रील्ंलोकान् using either IAST or
>> ISO 15919 for the input). The Sanskrit Library provides the last of the
>> three versions Whitney gives, i.e., with candrabindu and virāma, but that
>> might be a limitation of available glyphs. I would be interested to know
>> which typefaces can offer the second of the three versions in Whitney.
>> Looking on Gretil, it seems several texts give the transliteration ṃl l
>> for  l̃ l. This reflects Whintey's first version but is not exactly
>> correct.
>> All the Best,
>> Victor
>> On Thu, Oct 5, 2023 at 11:59 PM Harry Spier via INDOLOGY <
>> indology at list.indology.info> wrote:
>>> Dear list members,
>>> I'm trying to make a list of all websites that convert unicode
>>> transliteration (IAST) to devanagari and vis versa.  So please send me the
>>> links you are aware of.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Harry Spier
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