[INDOLOGY] Texas Asia Conference 2022 Call for Papers

Michael Fiden mfiden at utexas.edu
Wed Nov 10 21:11:35 UTC 2021

 Dear colleagues,

The Department of Asian Studies at the University of Texas at Austin is
pleased to announce Texas Asia Conference 2022: "Transitions and
Transformations." The conference will take place on February 25th and 26th
at the University of Texas at Austin. We look forward to reading your

Please find the CFP information below, and attached as a pdf. Please
distribute widely.


*The Texas Asia Conference (TAC)* is a biennial and international graduate
student conference organized by the graduate students of the Department of
Asian Studies at the University of Texas at Austin. The upcoming conference
will take place on *February 25th and 26th, 2022*, at the University of
Texas at Austin’s Glickman Conference Center (the conference will move
online if necessary). The conference provides a space to present and engage
with graduate research work centered on Asia as a regional focus from
various disciplinary perspectives.

With this year’s conference theme,* Transitions and Transformations*, we
invite proposals for individual papers and/or panels that explore various
approaches to this topic. The last two years have made precarity a
widespread condition. Faced with constant changes and conflicts, we are
reaching an inflection point from which political institutions, public
health, and ecosystems are taking unpredictable turns. Instead of returning
to what has previously been considered the norm, it is high time for us to
anticipate and adapt to the new normal. A time of crisis is also a time of
opportunity, as we are witnessing new directions and conversations emerging
from academia, ranging from reconsiderations of time and space to
reassessments of asymmetrical geopolitical relations. Standing at this
threshold moment, we propose a colloquium where important dialogues on the
shared future of Asia and the world can be initiated. How do we reimagine
Asia in a time of transitions and transformations? What are some possible
contributions that scholarship on Asia can make to help us better cope with
the challenges of the Anthropocene?

The conference will include keynote lectures from two prominent scholars in
East Asian and South Asian Studies, Professor Jason McGrath (Associate
Professor in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of
Minnesota) and Professor Gil Ben-Herut (Associate Professor in Religious
Studies at the University of South Florida). In addition to engaging with
the keynote speakers, conference participants will receive feedback from
University of Texas at Austin faculty, who will join as panel discussants.

We invite papers and panels drawing on multidisciplinary scholarship,
including but not limited to: Asian studies, Asian-American studies,
religious studies, history, anthropology, comparative literature,
linguistics, women’s and gender studies, LGBTQ+ studies, film studies,
literature, political science, government, and sociology.

Possible topics may address, but need not necessarily be limited to the
following themes:

“Worlding” Asia: Asia in Global Context

Environment, Ecology, and Future of Asia

Diaspora, Migration, and Movement in and through Asia

Asian History, Culture, and Literature

Religion, Ritual, and Practice

Language, Identity, and Power

Genders and Sexualities in Asia in Flux

New Theoretical Approaches to Asian Studies

*Submission guidelines:*

Deadline for individual paper and panel abstract submission: *December 17,

Please submit all materials by emailing them to
TexasAsiaConference2022 at gmail.com

*Individual papers*: 250-word abstract, plus the title of paper, author(s),
affiliation(s), and email address.

*Panel proposals*: 250-word abstract describing the panel and a 250-word
abstract for each paper, plus titles of panel and papers, and names,
affiliations and email addresses of panel organizer(s) and participants.

Applicants will be notified of acceptance by January 17, 2022.

Please direct questions to TexasAsiaConference2022 at gmail.com


2022 TAC Organizing Committee

Michael Fiden, Cicely Bonnin, Jessica Fan

TexasAsiaConference2022 at gmail.com
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