[INDOLOGY] Rajasthani Sabadakosa launch, Dec. 29 2021

Tyler Williams tylerwwilliams at gmail.com
Tue Dec 28 18:40:24 UTC 2021

Dear colleagues,

The Chaupasani Shiksha Sansthan and Charans.org have been working over the
past two years to create an online, searchable version of Sitaram
Lala's *Rājasthānī
Śabadakośa* <http://www.rajsabadkosh.com/>, a valuable resource for those
studying late medieval and early modern works from the
Gujarat/Rajasthan/Malwa regions. The online dictionary will go live *tomorrow,
December 29th*, and these organizations would like to extend an invitation
to interested scholars to attend the launch event.

The launch will be streamed *live over Facebook, from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
India Standard Time*. Please see the flier below for details regarding the
program, speakers, and how to attend.

Tyler Williams
University of Chicago

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