[INDOLOGY] Medinikosha and Nanartharnavasankshepa - request for scan

Dhaval Patel drdhaval2785 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 29 06:11:15 UTC 2019

Dear scholars,
Would anyone of you kindly guide me to a decent quality scans of the
following works please -
1. Nānārthārṇavasaṅkṣepa of Keśavasvāmin
2. Nānārthaśabdakoṣa of Medinikara.

I have scans probably gathered from archive.org which are not legible.
Visarga, anusvāra etc are not visible at places.

Dr. Dhaval Patel, I.A.S
Collector and District Magistrate, Surat

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