[INDOLOGY] bhakti

Luis Gonzalez-Reimann reimann at berkeley.edu
Thu Nov 10 20:38:17 UTC 2016

I don't remember his name, Martin. Do you know when David Frawley 
started using "Vedic astrology"?

As I don't think many are interested in the topic, we could continue in 


On 11/9/2016 10:45 PM, Martin Gansten wrote:
> Luis,
> Was the person you met called Shyamasundara Dasa? As I recall, he 
> claims to have been the first to use this term, though I didn't know 
> he did so as early as 1974. Mainstream interest (if one can call it 
> that) in jyotiṣa didn't develop until the 1980s, so that was probably 
> when the term gained wider circulation. But there are others who have 
> made the same claim, so perhaps the term was coined separately by 
> several people. If memory serves (I couldn't swear to this), one was 
> Chakrapani Ullal, a Kerala-born astrologer with links to Swami 
> Muktananda. There may have been others as well.
> Martin
> Den 2016-11-09 kl. 23:57, skrev Luis Gonzalez-Reimann:
>> Martin,
>> Do you have details about when, how and or whom it was coined? I can 
>> tell you that in 1974, during a stay in Paris, I met a disciple of 
>> Bkaktivedanta Swami that practiced Indian astrology and he called it 
>> Vedic astrology. So it has to be earlier that the 80s.
>> Luis
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