[INDOLOGY] Method to take backup of github issues

dhaval patel drdhaval2785 at gmail.com
Tue May 19 04:38:15 UTC 2015

As Mr Chandra Sekhar has pointed out,
The instructions seem a bit confusing to many people.
Therefore, I have created one youtube video and uploaded it for better step
by step understanding of user.
https://youtu.be/hNbLeMnywTA is the link where you can see a step by step
usage of this Command Line tool.

On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 1:34 PM, CHANDRA SEKHAR <vedamchandu at gmail.com>

> Thanks Mahoday,
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-JWJ8LaCZykI/VVmcyzBv-iI/AAAAAAAATYg/R5bWQfhGGxk/s1600/github.png>
> I have try to to execute your program in xamp and wamp  server its showing
>  errors while loading the page please find the screen shots for the same
> let me know if you have any suggestions for the same.
> i hope i am in final state of executing the program if you could help in
> this regard i am very much thankful for your kind help.
> On Saturday, 16 May 2015 10:12:58 UTC+5:30, dhaval patel wrote:
>> Respected scholars,
>> Nowadays many NLP scholars are working on Github.
>> Most of the discussion are stored in github issues.
>> I have written a small CLI utility in shell script which may be of
>> interest to the scholars.
>> It takes a backup of github issues and renders an HTML for local viewing
>> with the same experience as github (because I used the same CSS:))
>> https://github.com/drdhaval2785/github_issue_backup is the code
>> http://drdhaval2785.github.io/github_issue_backup/sanskrit-lexicon/CORRECTIONS/2.txt
>> is the text output
>> http://drdhaval2785.github.io/github_issue_backup/sanskrit-lexicon/CORRECTIONS/html/2.html
>> is the HTML output.
>> Any bug reporting is welcome at
>> https://github.com/drdhaval2785/github_issue_backup/issues
>> --
>> Dr. Dhaval Patel, I.A.S
>> Collector and District Magistrate, Anand
>> www.sanskritworld.in
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Dr. Dhaval Patel, I.A.S
Collector and District Magistrate, Anand

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