[INDOLOGY] A brief introduction into the Indian metrical system for the use of students.

Michael Hahn hahn.m at t-online.de
Sun Mar 9 12:48:08 UTC 2014

Dear all 
(specially the instructors of Sanskrit)

I would like to inform you that I have just uploaded to www.academia.edu
a very modest paper (unpublished), "A brief introduction into the Indian
metrical system for the use of students," that attempts at summarizing on
just six pages the very essentials of classical Sanskrit metrics. On its
last page you will find a list of the 25 most common Sanskrit metres
that saves the student the trouble to go through the long list in Apte's
dictionary. Several colleagues found this draft (originally prepared for
classes at UC Berkeley) helpful. That is the reason why I have decided
to make it generally accessible. Any criticism will be greatly appreciated.

Michael Hahn

Prof. Dr. Michael Hahn
Ritterstr. 14
D-35287 Amoeneburg
Tel. +49-6422-938963
Fax: +49-6422-938967
E-mail: hahn.m at t-online.de
URL: staff-www.uni-marburg.de/~hahnm

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