Fwd: [INDOLOGY] Edward Conze's Memoirs

L.S. Cousins selwyn at NTLWORLD.COM
Mon May 7 12:09:56 UTC 2012

As far as I can recall from reading it long ago, it contained strongly 
worded negative views about various people. And various stereotypes, as 
people say now. But I don't recall him as being especially anti-Semitic. 
His first wife was of course Jewish.

mkapstei at UCHICAGO.EDU wrote:
> If I recall corrrectly, Conze specified that vol. 3 was
> not be made public until 50 years after his decease. But
> I do not know if this was formally written into his will.
> It seems to be well known that, among other things, it
> contains his anti-Semitic rants, particularly directed
> against Arthur Waley, against whom, despite their
> several collaborations (as in _Buddhist Texts Through
> the Ages_) Conze could never pardon the fact of having
> been born a Polish Jew (apparently a double deficiency!).
> Matthew T. Kapstein
> Numata Visiting Professor of Buddhist Studies
> The University of Chicago Divinity School
> Directeur d'�tudes
> Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris

L.S. Cousins,
Wolfson College, Oxford

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