
Ulrich T. Kragh utkragh at HUM.KU.DK
Fri Oct 7 19:44:07 UTC 2011

Dear list-members,
I am currently studying a ca. 10th century Buddhist Tantric text entitled Sahajasiddhipaddhati, which mentions a sage (*RSi, Tib. drang srong) named *jagadAzvasa (Tib. dbugs 'byin pa). There is no extant Sanskrit text, only a Tibetan translation, so the given Sanskrit words are reconstructions.

I believe the name *jagadAzvasa is unusual in Buddhist contexts and I am likewise not familiar with an eventual Hindu background for this name. So, my question is: has anyone seen such a name for a RSi or similar in any context?

With best regards,

Dr. Ulrich Timme Kragh
Gonda Fellow, IIAS, Leiden University

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