
Tuladhar-douglas, Dr William B. w.t.douglas at ABDN.AC.UK
Sun Dec 11 03:09:40 UTC 2011


Since we were just up there: it's one, two, three and so on in Nepali (ek, dvi, tin..) and it's clearly a translation from Western terminology. I doubt the peaks were referred to in that way before Western surveyors and mountaineers conceptualised them as a single massif, rather than ridges, visible peaks (like Macchapuchre) and traversable passes.

There was an indicative conversation one day about Dhaulagiri; one of the party (from around Dhading, between Pokhara and Kathmandu) asked where Dhaulagiri two, three and so forth were, and the person in the party from the Myagdi area said, ‘it's just Dhaulagiri, one peak. There's no one two three.’


On 10 Dec 2011, at 22:01, Artur Karp wrote:

> Dear List,
> Annapurna Mt. has four peaks - Annapurna I, II, III, and IV. What are
> their formal Nepalese names?
> Would it be (in Nepalese) Annapurna One, Two, Three, Four, or, rather,
> Annapurna First, Second, Third, Fourth?
> Nepalese colloquial or Sanskritic numerals?
> Great thanks in advance,
> Artur Karp
> Poland

- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------
Will Tuladhar-Douglas
Anthropology of Environment and Religions

The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No SC013683.

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