SARIT web application - Errors and Error Reporting

patrick mc allister patrick.mcallister at UNIVIE.AC.AT
Thu Nov 4 09:45:52 UTC 2010

* Richard MAHONEY <r.mahoney at INDICA-ET-BUDDHICA.ORG> [2010-11-04 10:14]:
> Dear Readers,
> I have just been trying to use the SARIT web application for the first
> time since the move from the States to Austria. Unfortunately, the web
> interface seems to have been broken. While this is sometimes minor
> there is at least one instance where things are somewhat more
> serious. I find that one can no longer conveniently search for
> material using simple ASCII character codes. Does anyone know who is
> currently maintaining the site? I would like to be able to send
> through a list of issues that seem to have arisen subsequent to the
> site `upgrade'.

Dear Richard,

the site's technical parts are currently being maintained by me. For
more general matters (adding texts to be searched, etc.), Dominik
Wujastyk should be contacted.

It would be very helpful if you could send me a list of things that
broke or changed since the `upgrade'. Actually, anyone with such
observations should please write to either Dominik or me.

Thanks in advance,

patrick mc allister

long term email: pma at
*current* office email: patrick.mcallister at
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