What Devanagari text would you most like as an e-text

Stella Sandahl ssandahl at SYMPATICO.CA
Fri May 29 14:00:57 UTC 2009

Dear Dominik and all,
Is there somewhere a list which kAvyas, mahAkAvyas and dramas are  
accessible as e-texts?
In particular, it would be very useful if all the major dramas WITh  
the Prakrit parts (and chAyA) could be easily accessible.

Also, judging by the programmes of the last three World Sanskrit  
Conferences it seems to me that les belles lettres are being neglected
in favour of grammar, philosophy, epics and Puranas.
Best regards to all
Stella Sandahl

Stella Sandahl
ssandahl at sympatico.ca

On 29-May-09, at 8:47 AM, Dominik Wujastyk wrote:

> In the last decade or two, a substantial amount of Sanskrit  
> literature has become available in e-text form.  Veda, Mahabharata,  
> Ramayana, Mahabhasya, Astadhyayi, Kasika, Puranas, many Tantras,  
> dharmasastra and jyotisa texts, Buddhist literature, much else.
> What next?  What text is there in Devanagari script that hasn't  
> been input yet, and that you would dearly like to have as an e- 
> text?  I wonder if we can put together a prioritized list?
> Best,
> Dominik Wujastyk

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