performing life-cycle rites for deities

Alexander von Rospatt rospatt at BERKELEY.EDU
Wed Mar 25 01:15:56 UTC 2009

As I am studying Newar Buddhist consecration rituals for images,  
caityas and so on, I am wondering how much of a tradition of  
performing the saṃskāra life-cycle rites  as part of such  
consecration rites there is outside (Newar) Buddhism. I am aware that  
such rites are indeed performed for the generation of Agni when  
installing the fire, but it is not clear to me to which extent the  
saṃskāras (not just conception and birth, but also further rites up  
to the wedding) are also performed for the consecration of images. The  
saṃskāras do form an integral part of the consecration ceremony  
performed in the Śaiva tradition preserved among the Newars. Hence, I  
suppose that such practice exists (or existed) also in other Hindu  
traditions, but I have no hard evidence in support. Any help to  
identify such evidence would be much appreciated.
Alexander Rospatt

Alexander von Rospatt, Professor
Department of South and Southeast Asian Studies
Group in Buddhist Studies
University of California
7233 Dwinelle Hall # 2540
Berkeley, CA 94720-2540

Phone: +1-510-6421610
Fax: +1-510-6432959
Email:  rospatt at

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