Sanskrit position at Chicago

Christian K. Wedemeyer wedemeyer at UCHICAGO.EDU
Mon Oct 9 02:37:14 UTC 2006

The Department of South Asian Languages and
Civilizations, University of Chicago, invites
applications for an open-rank position in Sanskrit.

Teaching duties are four courses per year, distributed
over three quarters (autumn, winter, spring).  Among
the four courses taught, one must be offered in an
undergraduate College Core sequence.  The remaining
three will include Sanskrit language classes on all
levels, as well as individually-devised graduate

Applications (cover letter, c.v., representative
publications, and three letters of support) will be
reviewed beginning November 15, 2006.  The appointment
is expected to start on July 1 2007.  They should be
sent to:

Steven Collins, Chair
Department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations
University of Chicago
Foster Hall
1130 E. 59th Street
Chicago IL 60637-1543
773-702-9131 (8373 Dept. office)
fax: 773-834-3254
s-collins at

The University of Chicago is an Affirmative
Action/Equal Opportunity Employer

Christian K. Wedemeyer
Assistant Professor of the History of Religions
The University of Chicago Divinity School
1025 East 58th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637    USA
(773) 702-8265 (phone)
(773) 702-8223 (fax)

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