new publication

diwakar acharya acharyadiwakar at HOTMAIL.COM
Wed Oct 4 08:18:15 UTC 2006

Dear List,

This is to announce publication of my book:

Vacaspatimisra’s Tattvasamiksa. The Earliest Commentary on Mandanamisra’s 
Brahmasiddhi. Critically Edited with an Introduction and Critical Notes. 
[Nepal Research Centre Publication Series 25.] Stuttgart: Franz Steiner 
Verlag 2006. cxxvi + 398 pp. ISBN 978-3-515-08886-2

Best regards,


Diwakar Acharya
Graduate School of Letters
Kyoto University
Yoshida Honmachi, Sakyo-ku
Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
Tel.:       +81 75 753 2803

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