Hatha Yoga Pradipika Commentaries

Peter Wyzlic pwyzlic at UNI-BONN.DE
Wed Nov 22 11:00:20 UTC 2006

On Tue, 21 Nov 2006 22:33:51 -0500
  joel bordeaux <jeb2104 at COLUMBIA.EDU> wrote:
> Hello.  I'm wondering if any of the Sanskrit Hatha Yoga 
>Pradipika  commentaries other than Brahmananda's have 
>been edited and, if so,  where one might find them.
> Rumor has it that Umapati, who I'm assuming is the 14th 
>cent author  of Shivaprakasham, wrote one, as did 
>Ramananda/Advaita Tirtha, who  seems to have lived in 
>Andhra mid 18th cent.
> Other names I've seen are Mahadeva and Vrajabhusana 
>(Mishra?), about  whom I am unable even to speculate.

In recent years, M. L. Gharote edited several works on or 
around the Hatha(yoga)pradipika. See, e.g., the web site 
of the Lonavla Yoga Institute 

Among these you will find:

- _Hathapradipika (with 10 chapters) of Svatmarama and 
Yogaprakasika commentary by Balakrsna_ / ed. by M. L. 
Gharote ; Parimal Devnath. - Lonavla : The Lonavla Yoga 
Institute, 2001. - ISBN 81-901176-6-1

- _Hatharatnavali (a treatise on hathayoga) of 
Srinivasayogi_ / critically ed. by M. L. Gharote [et al.]. 
- Lonavla : The Lonavla Yoga Institute, 2002. - ISBN 

There is also a Hathapradipikavrtti in Marathi by a 
certain Bhojatmaja. In the Rajasthan Puratan Granthmala, 
M. L. Gharote published a Hindi treatise inspired by the 

- Jayatarama krta Jogapradipika / samp.: Em. El. Gharote. 
- Jodhpur : Rajasthan Oriental Research Institute, 1999 
(Rajasthana Puratana Granthamala ; 192) [main text in 
Hindi,  introduction in English]

In 1989, Gharote brought out together with V. A. Bedekar: 
_A descriptive catalogue of Yoga manuscripts_. - Lonavla : 
The Kaivalyadhama S. M. Y. M. Samiti, 1989. Despite the 
title it is a tabular listing of mss. The "descriptive" 
part is rather small, if existing at all.

Hope it helps

Peter Wyzlic
Indologisches Seminar der
Universität Bonn
Regina-Pacis-Weg 7
D-53113 Bonn
Deutschland / Germany

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