The Indian Philosophical Congress 78 th session Announcement

jagan nadh navadipanyaya at HOTMAIL.COM
Mon May 5 11:45:33 UTC 2003

Dear collegues,
      The 78 th session of the Indian Philosophical Congress will held at
B.R. Ambedkar University ,muzaffarpur-842 001.Bihar  form October
17-20-2003.Membership-life-Rs-1200-Ordinary-200-Associate-100 (rate in
indian rupees)the membership fee has to be sent through an A/C payee demand
draft in favour of "The Indian Philosphical congress" payable at New Delhi,
to the tresurer Dr. U.S.Bist,Department of
Philosophy,G.K.University,Haridwar-2449049Uttaranchal)India.25% rly
Consession will get to 2nd class traveller
LAST DATE FOR SUBMITTING PAPERS-Julay 31 2003 to Prof Majulika Gosh
Department of Philosophy,North Bengal University, Darjiling-734 430(West
Retired teachers-Rs-400/-
Student Reserchscholor-400/-
Demand draft should sent to Loxcal secratery,IPC Prof
S.K.Singh,HOD,Department of PhilosophyB.R. Ambedkar University
,muzaffarpur-842 001.Bihar  For more details please contact The indian
philosophicl congress Darshan bhavan 36,Tughlabad Institutional Area,New
Delhi-110 062,India

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