about a myth

Daniela Rossella ghezziem at TIN.IT
Thu Feb 22 09:15:43 UTC 2001

Dearest all, I have found this French opera (alias melodrama):

Catel, Charles-Simon (1773-1830): Les Bayadères (libr. E. V. de Jouy),
tragi-comédie in 3 acts; first perf. 1810.

The librettist, Jouy, sustained to have drawn his inspiration from a
"pourana" (sic) in which is told that "Schirven" (Shiva, I suppose)
descended in the world as "rajah Devendren", and, at the end, married a
"bajadère" who is disposed to be satI for him. Before to return in the
Heaven, he consecrates and blesses forever all the devadasis. I don't know
this myth. Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance,

Ph.D. Dr. Daniela Rossella
Piazza Buzzati, 5
43100 PARMA (Italy)
tel. & fax +39.0521.773854
cell. +39.0338 3198904
ghezziem at tin.it

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