Urdu,Hindi,and Sanskrit

Aditya, the Cheerful Hindu Skeptic a018967t at BC.SEFLIN.ORG
Sat Feb 10 00:27:19 UTC 2001

Stephen Hodge <s.hodge at PADMACHOLING.FREESERVE.CO.UK> has written as follows:

>man arrested in the early 60s after the Sema there because he was
>praying while whirling ?  Have you actually been to Turkey and spoken
>to many people ?  I doubt it very much.

Kamal Pasha died in 1928 therefore your statement about 60s does not apply
to him unless you assume he is still alive. Just because you  may have
personally visited a country does not make you an expert on its history.

Do you know Gen Musarraf's father was posted in Turkey when he was a child?
He was schooled there and is a great admirer of Ataturk.
I had great hopes from his assumption of power when I found out this fact. I
wish he can rise to the level of Kamal Pasha and get Pakistan rid of the
mullahs that have taken over in that country.

>I shall not comment on the remainder of your msg since it is a red
>herring and irrelevant to my point.

I have discussed reforms of Ataturk only as they  fall within the scope of
this list due to  their impact  on the contemporary reformers in India which
you did not find relevant to discuss.

It is up to you to comment on whatever you choose and I will comment on the
matters of my choice. Nobody can force either of us to do otherwise. I have
the quota of only two messages per day on this list and have to use my own
discretion on what subjects to respond.

I regularly read newsgroups about Turkey and for more information you may
visit http://www.ataturk.com/ .

Have a peaceful and joyous day.
Aditya Mishra
Primary email: a018967t at bc.seflin.org
Primary homepage: http://www.pompano.net/~aditya
ICQ # 1131674 Phone #: (954)746-0442  Fax # (209)315-8571
Random thought of the day:
        Life is a great teacher. Unfortunately, it kills all its pupils.  ... Hector Berlioz

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