Rakhigarhi and Sarasvati River

S.Kalyanaraman kalyan99 at NETSCAPE.NET
Tue Sep 21 07:25:19 UTC 1999

Erik Seldeslachts <erik.seldeslachts at RUG.AC.BE> wrote:
> Can anyone tell me precisely what area is called "Cholistan" and what the
etymology of this name is?

In Punjabi, choa = water-fall in drops or a stream (as trickling down the side
of a rock or from a leaking roof), water oozing from an orifice; water
stratum; choa channan; Dravidian cognates: Ta. kul.am = tank, reservoir, lake;
Ka. kol.a, kol.ahe, kon.a pond; Te. kolanu; kollu = deep pond dug or built
near the outlet of a tank, in which water is collected before supplying it to
fields; Go. kol = tank; Kui glu_nju small pool, puddle; Sanskrit: ku_la =
pond, pool.

Cholistan is the western segment of the Great Indian or Thar Desert (
marusthali_). In Bahawalpur province in Pakistan, out of a total area of
15,918 sq. miles, approimately less than half of it, i.e. 9,881 sq. miles is
purely desert, called CHOLISTAN or ROHI locally. Cholistan borders Bikaner and
Jaisalmer districts of Rajasthan, India The river which flows through right
upto to the Rann of Kutch (and perhaps beyond thru the Nal lakes) is called
the Hakra-Nara (Ghaggar in India).

The latitudes of the largest Mature Harappan site, Ganweriwala: 71 degrees 9
min.N; 28degrees 35 minutes 56 seconds E.

Regards, Kalyanaraman

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