Continuing the review of Passions of the Tongue

N. Ganesan naga_ganesan at HOTMAIL.COM
Tue Sep 14 13:50:24 UTC 1999

 > No, because mATalan2's king is a Chola  while ceGkuTTuvan2 is a
 > Chera king. The conversation takes place on the bank of the river
 > gaGgA.

Thanks for the clarification.
I will try to find "silappadhikaram"
in our University library and
understand who said exactly what
to whom, and in what context.

I believe that most Tamilians, if asked
to identify the main characters of
"silappadhikaram", would name
Kannagi, Kovalan, the Pandya King
(Nedunchezhiyan?), maybe the Queen,
and Madhavi, probably in that order.
I actually have no clue who Matalan
is; certainly, he is not a major figure.
I will rectify my ignorance regarding
him.  Anyway, though, drawing conclusions
about "linguistic nationalism" from one
of the least important characters in
"silappadhikaram" seems to be questionable.
More later.

It can also be said that some have not heard of CilappatikAram
itself. It is also true of the Rig Veda.

But anyone spending time on Cil. will realize the importance
of MaaTalan's role.

N. Ganesan

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