SV: Date of the Buddha and RV

George Thompson GthomGt at CS.COM
Mon Sep 6 13:33:20 UTC 1999

I'd like to know where K. Elst gets the idea "that borrowed cultural
vocabulary (e.g. in names of constellations and astronomical concepts) is
conspicuously missing in Vedic."

This is simply not true. There are hundreds of words in the RV which appear
to be borrowings from one or more non-Indo-Aryan languages. This material is
well known and has been frequently discussed.

Furthermore, I am astonished that E. Seldeslachts can so confidently assert:
"Also conspiciously missing is an ancient layer of non-Indo-Aryan place-names
and geographical names in the entire area of the Harappan civilisation."

I don't remember the exact date, but there was recent discussion on this very
list about such non-Indo-Aryan place names, including a discussion of the
name *ku'bhA* which, if I am not mistaken, Mr. Seldeslachts himself
participated in!

Basic facts, repeatedly discussed, and repeatedly ignored.

What is going on here?

George Thompson

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