Papers on Indian Goddesses needed

Prof. P. Kumar kumar at PIXIE.UDW.AC.ZA
Fri Nov 5 09:18:39 UTC 1999

Dear Özge Özbek,

I don't mean to promote my own book but I have written a book --
P. Pratap Kumar, The Goddess Laksmi: The Divine Consort in South Indian
Vaisnava Tradition, Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1997. ISBN:0-7885-0199-2


>> Hello,
>> I am studying in the department of Indology, Ankara University, Turkey.
>> I am expected to make a search on and compose a report about Indian
>> Goddesses as my thesis. The resources in Turkey about this subject are
>> limited. Can you help me locate some papers on this subject, or better,
>> send them to me?
>> Thank you very much,
>> Ozge Ozbek
> Agnes Korn
> Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft  :       Tel.  + 49 - 69 - 798 22 847
> Universitaet Frankfurt            :       Fax   + 49 - 69 - 798 22 873
> PF  11 19 32                      :
> D - 60054 Frankfurt               :  mailto:a.korn at

Prof. P. Kumar, Centre for Religious Studies, University of Durban-Westivlle
Private BagX54001, Durban, 4000
South Africa, Tel: 027-31-204-4539 (work), Fax: 027-31-204-4160 (work)
Email: kumar at

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