Pindasarani tables

Nicholas Bedworth nbedworth at HAWAII.RR.COM
Tue Jun 15 16:57:54 UTC 1999

I'm looking for help in locating copies of the following works. They contain
the pindasarani 'tables of area' allow one to obtain suitable house/plot
dimensions given the nakshatra. So, presumably there must be 27 tables.
Translating the tables should be pretty simply, because most of the headings
will stay the same, but the nakshatra name will change, as will the
numerical entries in the tables.

1. Rajavallabha of Mandana Sutradhara, Ramachandra Bhagusthe Mahadeva (ed.),
Shri Satya Vinaya Printing Press, Ahmedabad, 1911.

2. Vasturatnakara, Vindyesvariprasada Dvivedi (ed.), Haridas Sanskrit Series
46, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, Varanasi, 1988 V ed.

3. Brihadvastumala, Comp. and ed. Ramanihora Dvivedi, Chowkhamba Surbharati
Series No. 12, Chowkhamba Surabharati publication, 1992, IV edn.

If someone would be able to locate and scan (or photocopy the pages and
mail) the relevant tables, I would be most grateful and willing to provide
reimbursement for time spent and expenses.

Nicholas Bedworth
2124 Haena Drive
Honolulu, HI 96822

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