Astronomical names for AsterismsII:Was-Hindu new years day

jayabarathi jaybee at TM.NET.MY
Wed Jan 27 05:29:08 UTC 1999

        Sorry, I missed Thiru Aadhirai-Aardhra in my previous
        It's Beta-Orionis. More popularly known as Rigel.



At 12:26 AM 1/27/99 +0800, you wrote:
>At 05:23 PM 1/26/99 +0100, you wrote:
>>Periannan.Chandrasekaran wrote:
>>>>                We have  Visakha for Murugan.
>>>>                  Purba for Devi.
>>>And ONam for tirumAl (viSNu).
>>>One of the pattuppAttu (such as maturaikkAJci) mentions
>>>something like "the one born on ONam star".
>>>tiruvAtirai star is associated with Sivan ...
>>Could you give astronomical identifications of the stars you mention,
>>Best regards,
>>Georg v. Simson
>                Vishakha is a sub-constellation falling in two signs
>        of the zodiac. Three-quarters of it are in Libra and one-quarter
>        in Scorpio. The main stars in Vishakha are Beta and Gamma
>        Librae and Delta Scorpionis.
>                Purba is otherwise known as Puuram in Tamil. It
>         falls in Leo. The main stars going into this make up the body
>        of the Lion beyond the head and shoulder. The main stars are
>        Zosma-Delta Leonis and Coxa-Theta Leonis.
>                ONam or SravaNa is a subconstellation which occupies
>        the central four-ninths parts of Capricorn. Omega and Theta
>        Capricornis together with some minor stars make up this
>        group.
>        Regards
>        Jayabarathi

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