SV: creation of human kind

Ashish Chandra achandra at WNMAIL.WNDEV.ATT.COM
Fri Jan 22 00:53:53 UTC 1999

Periannan Chandrasekaran  wrote :

Also it is interetsing to see that even though the standard imagery of the
gItOpadEsa is that of both KrishNA and ArjunA both standing *on* the
chariot and the former preaching gItA in that posture, the AlvAr says "in
front of" the chariot ( of course without mentioning whether he was
preaching anything to ArjunA).  I wonder what the significance of this
discrpepancy is.

Is there any specific mention of the fact that Sri Krishna has actually
alighted from the chariot i.e. he can be standing in front part of the
chariot, as in sitting in front of a car. But he is depicted as standing
here. So is there any mention that he is standing on the ground and in
front of the horses too ?


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