Word splitting & hyphenation conventions in roman transliteration

Petr Mares erpet at COMP.CZ
Sat Feb 20 15:59:13 UTC 1999

>  My observation is that Indian programmers far outnumber those
>  from Mainland China. Atleast in the USA.
>  I am well aware of the piracy in Taiwan and Mainland. That is
>  mainly copying into CDs. What about software code writing? Do they
>  exceed India? Magazines say Bangalore is the Silicon valley of Asia.
Chinese as I know I are not good at programming, surely not as
some Indians who are often on the peak at least in the
programming area I know about. Chinese software  bussines is
basically just following, never leading. The whole culture is based
on enormously complicated script that is just a heavy bag in the
software development. It is great for caligraphy or poetry but not for
the information processing as we know it from the current IT.


Petr Mares

Petr Mares
Petr Mares
Lengqie Research
Hlavacova 1163
182 00, Prague 8
Czech Republic
Tel: 420-2-2422-9755
email: lengqie at gmx.net

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