CFP: Method and Theory section of IJHS

Sushil Mittal smittal at RELIGION.UFL.EDU
Wed Sep 30 18:14:52 UTC 1998

                                                        Call for Papers

_International Journal of Hindu Studies_ seeks contributions for a new
section of the journal devoted to Method and Theory. It will serve as a
forum for methodological critiques and debates about the merits of various
theories of religion as they might apply to the study of Hinduism. Papers
are invited that engage in theoretical analysis of aspects of religion
(such as myths, rituals, institutions, and so on) as they relate to
Hinduism. The hope is that this section will encourage the development of
theories, interpretations, and explanations of religion best suited to the
study of Hinduism.

Contributions submitted for this section of the journal will be evaluated
through the usual _International Journal of Hindu Studies_ double-blind,
peer reviews.

Completed manuscripts and inquiries about material for possible publication
should be send to the Editor:

Dr Sushil Mittal
University of Florida
Department of Religion                  Tel (352) 392-1625
125 Dauer Hall, P.O. Box 117410         Tel (352) 392-7395
Gainesville, Florida 32611-7410         Email: smittal at

Full details on the _International Journal of Hindu Studies_, including
contents pages and Notes for Contributors, can be found on the Journal Home
Page at:

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