[On fertility, old Kurds, and sheep]

H.M.Hubey hubeyh at MONTCLAIR.EDU
Tue Nov 10 07:25:46 UTC 1998

S.Kalyanaraman wrote:
> While seconding Karp's above-cited observations, one might add that
> these observations are equally applicable to the nearly 150 years of wasted
> effort in pursing the Proto-Aryan (demography-language equation) problem. May
> be 'wasted effort' is too strong a phrase; but we seem to be
> back to ground zero; it will be worth the while to look back on these years of
> philological studies to list the major landmark
> accomplishments:

These things happen all the time. For example, while reading books on
Hittite I ran accross some strange things. One of them was that the
word 'kaska' (if I recall correctly) is defined as "an insect of
ominous import'. This is from the texts/dictionary by OI of Chicago.
Similarly the word "uwaq" or "uwag" or "uvag" shows up in the
Satrapies of Persia and also in some Hittite song. No matter. The word
'kaska' is locust/grasshopper. And it exists in Karachay-Balkar (KB) of
the North Caucasus. Now Doerfer (a famous Turcologist) constructs the
prototurkic sound(s) as *d > *d' > c > y. It so happens that most
Turcologists apparently want to forget this and claim that c came
after y.  NOw KB is /c/ language which makes it older than the other
versions. And it is in the west. The peoples which you can find
mentioned in the Cambridge ANE like Turuk(ku), Khumuk(ku), Kuman(ni),
Kashka etc are apparently lost from the way they are treated. But
of course teh Kumans were Turkic speakers. Kumuk are alive and well
in the Caucasus and speaking Turkic. Kashkai are alive and well in
Iran and speaking Turkic. It is obvious who the Turuk are. Tuna's
book shows 165 cognates between Sumerian and Turkic. The words
belong to what Landsberger (a recognized authority in Sumerian)
calls "proto-Euphratic" and the region is in the middle of the region
where the Turuk, Kuman, Kashkai, Khumuk are mentioned. I found about
30 pages of Hittite-Turkic (which I am still sifting). Now Turkic
belongs to two primary branches l~r (Bolgharic) and sh~z (Common Turkic)
from the fact that one of the most common changes between them are
l > sh and r > z. There was also d-Bolgharic. And some of the changes
between KB and Chuvash (Bolgharic) is c > s or c>sh etc. There is so
much evidence that I can't even write it all here, and yet there are
people who do not even have the capacity to understand how complex
problems are solved (because they have never solved any even medium
complex problem in their lives) think it is fun to play "white-trash"
beat up on the "niggers" (figuratively speaking).

Even someone who never even heard of probability theory should have
enough common sense, given the evidence, that something seems to be

They can write whatever their intellectual level allows them to
understand. But they should also know that if that is the level of
their (in)comprehension, then they are inviting retaliation at the
same level. I don't like to turn the other cheek to idiots. I used
to do that. They get worse. To some people silence signifies guilt.
To me it was "the best answer to a fool is silence". I guess now
I have changed my algorithms :-) especially after having gotten
framed and slandered a few times.

One can disagree. That does not matter,and is expected. How one
does matter.

> Best regards,
> Kalyanaraman

Best Regards,
hubeyh at montclair.edu =-=-=-= http://www.csam.montclair.edu/~hubey
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