AW: Grave Found, Possibly 5,000 Years Old

Aditya, the Hindu Skeptic aditya at SMART1.NET
Wed Oct 1 22:43:23 UTC 1997

Rolf Heinrich Koch <roheko at CLASSIC.MSN.COM> has on Wed, 1 Oct 1997 22:35:04 UT
written as follows:

>There must probably be a reason why Europeans always translate the
>Sanskrittexts. I do not know the reason. Do you?
>To get to be a rich man is doubtlessly not the right reason. You agree?

It is well know that Jai Maharaj is notorious on the internet for posting
irrelevant messages to most newsgroups and I was going to  ignore him but due
to the amount of response I would like to make a guess.

I remember reading some book that discussed how Hitler and Nazi party got the
idea of Aryan supremacy since the only other group that call themselves aryans
are the Hindus of India. I do not have the reference but it was claimed that
after WWI and the heavy reparations burden Germans had lost their moorings and
the best scholars of the time resorted to studies in the obscure languages
which did not require much funding. Their studies became popular with the
masses since it helped them forget the inflation and worries of the third
reich just as Hindus to this day keep talking of their past to forget their

Have a peaceful and prosperous day.
Aditya Mishra
e-mail:a018967t at
Thought of the day:
        A diploma proves only that you know how to find an answer.

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