reference query

David Magier magier at COLUMBIA.EDU
Tue Nov 11 20:29:58 UTC 1997

Dear Colleagues,
I am now faced with a peculiar set of consultation queries, and
haven't got a clue as to how to proceed, or which sources to
consult. Any ideas of suggestions will be greatly appreciated. The
query is extracted below.

David Magier, PhD
Columbia University
magier at


I'm trying to get a rough estimate of the

1. population of India in the Maurya, Gupta and Pala periods; and
2. the number of Buddhist monks and nuns for those same time periods.

I know, this is insane. There's no census until the 19th century, limited
epigraphical info, few records, etc. Still, I wonder if you know of any
innovative research strategies that might have been ushered in by the
computer age. Satellite photographs taken with a film speed faster than
the speed of light that records the past? That kind of thing.

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