Univ. address.

D.Plukker at inter.NL.net D.Plukker at inter.NL.net
Wed Jun 18 21:00:31 UTC 1997

>Dear list members
>recently it appeared a posting announcing a new University in 
>the USA. I am not sure if it is called Hindu University or 
>something like that, it is in Stony Brook NY. Is there any one 
>who could give me the address?
>Benjamin Preciado
>Center for Asian and Arican Studies
>El Colegio de Mexico.
Centre for India Studies/Stony Brook Foundation,
E5350 Library, SUNYSB, Stony Brook,
NY 11794-3386

e-mail: indstudy at sunysb.edu


    Dick Plukker
    India Institute, Amsterdam

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