A Brhatkatha Problem

Abt. f. Indologie indobib at indoger.unizh.ch
Mon Oct 28 08:45:13 UTC 1996

Dear colleagues,
Is there anyone out on the net, who has access to the complete edition of
the B.rhatkath-a/slokasa.mgraha by F. Lacote? I am reading part of this
text with some students right now, but I have only the editions by
Agrawala and Poddar at my disposal. In verse 15.81ab they pose the
following problem:
ya.m yam eva smaran bh-ava.m tyajaty ante ka.devaram |
ya.m yam eva smaran bh-ava.m tyajaty ante kalevaram |

Because both editions claim to be based on Lacote, I would like to know,
which reading Lacote adopts in his text for the last word? And if he does
adopt ka.devaram, I would like to know, if he gives any comments on the
meaning of this word in the footnotes (I know French, so you may just
type down, what he writes). The word does not occur in any of
the dictionaries I have checked so far, but it seems to have the advantage
of the lectio difficilior...
Any help in this matter would be most welcome.

Andreas Bigger (indobib at indoger.unizh.ch or abigger at indoger.unizh.ch)

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