IJHS Book Review Panel

Mittal Sushil mittals at ERE.UMontreal.CA
Tue Jul 2 12:47:26 UTC 1996

			     Book Review Panel

_International Journal of Hindu Studies_ wishes to add to its files the 
names of individuals willing to undertake occasional book review 
assignments for the journal. It is important to keep our reviewers files 
up to date in order to have access to as broad a group of scholars as 
possible for the numerous review assignments.

_International Journal of Hindu Studies_ invites interested individuals to 
complete the form below and mail it to:

Review Editor, Ellison Banks Findly,
Department of Religion and Asian Studies, Trinity College, Hartford, 
Connecticut 06106-3100, USA. 

Tel (203) 297 2477 Fax (203) 297 5358 Email <ellison.findly at trincoll.edu>


	_International Journal of Hindu Studies_ Book review panel

I would be willing to accept occasional assignments to review books for 
_International Journal of Hindu Studies_.


Mailing address:

Tel nos:  Work:

Fax no:        

Email address:

Present position, Institutional affiliation (if any):

Academic discipline (e.g. Religion, Anthropology):

Subject interest (e.g. folklore, women) 

Country interests (list in descending order):

Specialist research (e.g. Kashmir Saivite theory of aesthetics):

Cite one recent title you have published (publisher and date):

If willing to review books written in languages other than English, 
please specify which languages:




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