
Girish Beeharry gkb at ast.cam.ac.uk
Fri Jan 26 17:13:00 UTC 1996


I'm forwarding this on behalf of someone who is not on this list. 

Any response will be appreciated. Thanks.



----------------------- cut and post it to indology -------------------
Forwarded message:
From: "Kulkarni, Neel" <kulkarnn at nasd.com>
Subject: Re: kaajal

Dear Friends,

I received forward of discussion on kaajal from indology posting.

The usage of the term for poems, and for explaining the philosophy is well 


The fact is that the kaajala( graphite powder=coal) as well as collyrium are 
very harmful for human eyes.  It is harmful is demonstrated 
by the fact that as soon as it is put in the eyes, the eye nerves sense it, 
and secretion of eye water takes place to hold it in solution and to remove 
it thereafter.  

The same is true of Camphor or any eye cosmetic.  This does 
not serve any healthful purpose.  If the sun glare is too much, it is better 
to use a hat with an eye cover, or better still umbrella.   

The health of 
the eyes depend on the proper nutrition of cells which make up the eye. 
 Most of this nutrition comes from the food, and some from the sunshine 
which should enter the eyes.  Food of good quality, if digested with good 
efficiency results if good quality blood, which then if the circulation is 
good, travels to the eyes and nurishes the cells.  Goggles/Sun glasses
should not be used unless the heat is too much or 
you have to watch a hot source for a 
prolonged time.  Also, the invention of eyeglasses, 'except for the cases of 
mechanically damaged eyes or born mechanical defects of eyes', has been 
proven to be unscientific.  The theory of eye glasses is entirely false and 
it is proved by the fact that a person who uses eyeglasses never comes out 
of their usage (as the eye doctor tells him on the initial visit) and the 
power of his/her lense generally increases showing the increase in the 
weakness of eyes.  Also, carrot juice, though providing one nutriment called 
Vitamin A necessary for the health of eyes, does not cure eye problems, as 
is commonly understood.  

The things which should ever enter eyes are 
pure water, pure air, and moderate sunlight.

I do not receive indology group postings, so please send your opinions
to kulkarnn at nasd.com    .


Neel Kulkarni

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