Tillemans address

Francois.Voegeli at orient.unil.ch Francois.Voegeli at orient.unil.ch
Thu Feb 1 12:36:32 UTC 1996

>Hello - I am a graduate student in Buddhist Studies at Columbia
>University in New York. Does anyone at your location know the e-mail address
>for Prof. Tom Tillemans (Section de Langues et Civilzations Orientales,
>Universite de Lausanne, Switzerland)?
>Thankyou very much!
> - Tom Yarnall (ty37 at columbia.edu)
You can write to Prof. Tillemans at the following address:

        Prof. Tom Tillemans
        Section des langues et civilisations orientales
        Faculte des lettres
        Universite de Lausanne
        Ph.: (41.21) 692-3003
        Fax.: (41.21) 692-3045
        e-mail: Tillemans at orient.unil.ch

Note that if you want to phone him personnally at his office, he is there
only on wednesday and thursday.

Francois Voegeli
Fac. des lettres
Section de langues et civilisations orientales
Universite de Lausanne

Tel.: (41.21) 692-2721
Fax.: (41.21) 692-3045
E-mail: Francois.Voegeli at orient.unil.ch

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