Query: materials for refutation of 'sabdanityatva

Birgit Kellner kellner at ipc.hiroshima-u.ac.jp
Tue Apr 16 17:36:13 UTC 1996

I am looking for articles (or even books) on the Naiyaayikas' refutation of the 
Miimaa.msaa's doctrine of the eternality of sound  ('sabdanityatva),
especially insofar as it is connected with ideas of anityatva as

 I am not so much interested in the general doctrinal background, viz.
discussions on scriptural authority, but in rather specific epistemological
questions pertaining to the mechanisms of auditory cognition, and how
individual author's assumptions on the nature of auditory cognition are used
to substantiate their explanation of how to cognize _'sabdaabhaava_. In that
context, I am particularly interested in post-Kumaarileian debates. 

I am aware of the relevant texts and textual passages, but I was just
wondering whether anybody has ever looked into this. 
Help and hints would be greatly appreciated, 

Birgit Kellner
Department for Indian Philosophy
University of Hiroshima

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