Sememe, Indus Script and Hindu Fundamentalism

Aditya, The Hindu Skeptic a018967t at
Wed Jun 7 22:56:06 UTC 1995

On Wed, 7 Jun 1995, Ganesan wrote:
> As we know, lots of Hindutva people want to make revisions of
> Indian history. Their main efforts are directed towards
> showing that Indus valley civilization is Vedic, Aryans originated
> in India, and Dravidian languages are derived out of Sanskrit
> or at the very least, Sanskrit and Dravidian languages originate
> from the same root! 
Was it the point of Kalyanraman's note? From his name he does not appear 
to be a north Indian revisionist and probably he is also a Tamil speaker 
like you.

> me that Hindu elites have a vested interest in this. I know for sure
Does this sentence not expose you as having equally vested interest in 
contradicting any other hypothesis out of the way specially since you 
admitted that you do not know Sanskrit yourself?

> See Asko Parpola, Deciphering the Indus Script, Cambridge university press,
> 1994 and also Christopher Edens' review, Nature, vol.374, 16 March 1995,
> pp. 223-224. They suggest Dravidians as the Indus people. In addition, 
> we have a 150 years of solid research starting with Robert Caldwell. All these 
> scholars, over a period of such a long time, could not be wrong.
Is this the only basis of your argument? History has shown that some time 
a number of scholors can be wrong. You know even a scholors as reputed as 
Margaret Meade or  Cyrill Burt have been proved to have been dishonest 
and biased.
I am no scholor of Indus script but what I have read seems to point out that 
it is still not completely deciphered.

> Periodically, Indology listserv gets these Hindutva postings.
  Aditya Mishra          | The opinions expressed herein are absolutely *
Phone/FAX 305-746-0442   | not immutable and might have already changed *
Internet: aditya at| by time you read them due to the new evidence*
Prodigy:  TVDS96A        | or data that has come to my attention.       *

As it does get equally anti-hindu postings once in a while.


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