Research institutes in India

Jean-Luc.Chevillard at Jean-Luc.Chevillard at
Mon Jan 9 15:39:52 UTC 1995

>Dear members of the Indology list:
>A few people in Scandinavia have begun discussing the possibility of
>creating a Scandinavian Research Institute and/or service institution of
>some sort in India with the intention of offering Nordic scholars working
>with South Asia (linguistists, historians, economists, social
>anthropologists etc etc). certain resources in that country (e.g. practical
>help, a place to work, accommodation, library and computer resources etc).
>Is there any member of the list who has experience with such an
>institution, or to put it differently: Is there any
>country/university/group of universities that has such a facility/such
>facilities in India and is willing to share their experiences with me? (I
>am already informed about the Delhi branch of the Sued-Asien Institut in
>Heidelberg). I would be very grateful for any information, since I am
>trying to create a model/models for a Scandinavian research
>institute/service institution in India.
>Please contact Lars Martin Fosse on email account fosse at
>Best regards,
>Lars Martin Fosse
>Lars Martin Fosse
>Department of East European
>and Oriental Studies
>P. O. Box 1030, Blindern
>N-0315 OSLO Norway
>Tel: +47 22 85 68 48
>Fax: +47 22 85 41 40
>E-mail: l.m.fosse at
Dear co-member of INDOLOGY,

there are 3 french institutions that have a foot in India.

One is the CSH in Delhi (I don't know much about it)

The other two are the EFEO (Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient)
and the IFP (Institut Francais de Pondicherry). The EFEO
is also represented in several Asian countries. Unfortunately,
they still cannot be contacted through E-mail although in
the near future it should be possible.

As a former member of EFEO, I can give you more details if
you wish so.

Yours sincerely.

  CNRS -- Universite Paris 7


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