"The enemy of the lotus"

Axel Michaels michaels at relwi.unibe.ch
Tue Feb 21 12:18:51 UTC 1995

On Mon, 20 Feb 95 19:21:53, 
indology at liverpool.ac.uk  <indology at liverpool.ac.uk> wrote:

>Return-Path: <indology-request at liverpool.ac.uk>
>Received: from arwen.unibe.ch by morgoth.unibe.ch (MX V4.1 AXP) with SMTP; Mon,
>          20 Feb 1995 19:21:52 MET
>Message-ID: <2f4906ef.uclblr at uclblr.iisc.ernet.in>
>Date: Mon, 20 Feb 1995 18:19:35 GMT
>Reply-To: indology at liverpool.ac.uk
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>From: Dominik Wujastyk <dom at uclblr.iisc.ernet.in>
>To: Members of the list <indology at liverpool.ac.uk>
>Subject: "The enemy of the lotus"
>X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0c -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas
>X-Comment: Indology mailing list
>Has anyone come across a synonym for the sun (suurya, arka) which means
>"enemy or killer of the lotus", i.e., kumudhaghnii, kumudahan, etc.?
>This would be antithetical to the names for moonlight such as
>"kumuda-bandhu, k-suh.rt, kaumudii" etc.
>Also, does the lotus, kumuda, *really* blossom in the moonlight, as is
>implied by the common term "kaumudii"?
Dear Dominik,
I remember an article by Wilhelm Rau on Sanskrit terms of lotus published 
in Festschrift Weller. Unfortunytely I do not have library facilities 
to be more precise but perhaps somebody else can help you with exact 
bibliographical data if necessary. Since Rau also studied botany he might 
discuss questions which interest you.
Axel Michaels

Axel Michaels

Please note my new Adress: michaels at relwi.unibe.ch

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