Etymology of the word - kundanam ?

Dominik Wujastyk dom at
Thu Feb 16 10:28:16 UTC 1995

Suresh Kolichala said:
> A while ago, I posted this query, but never seemed to have reached here.

Yes, we all saw it.

Suresh, there is a setting in the listproc software that INDOLOGY uses
that controls whether you see your own outbound messages or not.  It is
"ACK" or "NOACK".  I believe that the default setting is "NOACK", which
means that when you send a message to INDOLOGY, everyone else sees it,
but INDOLOGY doesn't send it back to you.

To change this option, send the message
        "set indology mail ack"
to the address
        "listserv at"

I think that should do the trick.

Unfortunately, that won't guarantee a flood of informed answers to your
question.    :-)


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