temporary lectureship indian history at SOAS

Heidi Pauwels pauwels at clus1.ulcc.ac.uk
Wed Apr 19 17:08:04 UTC 1995

Applications are invited for a two-year Temporary Lectureship in the Early Hist\
ory of India. The person appointed will be required to teach undergraduate and \
masters courses on the history of India before 1200, and to assist with other r\
egional history teaching. applicants should have completed or be about to compl\
ete a PhD on a relevant topic; teaching experience would be an asset.

The appointments will date from 1st September 1995. They will be made on the Le\
cturer A or B scale. depending upon qualifications and experience, plus London \
Allowance. Membership of USS will be available.

Application forms and further particulars can be obtained from the Personnel Of\
fice, SOAS, Thornhaugh St., Russell Sq., London WC1H 0XG (tel 0171 323 6189 bet\
ween 10.30 am-2 pm).
Overseas candidates may apply directly by letter, and all applications should b\
e supported by a full C.V. and the names, addresses, fax and telephone numbers \
of three referees.
Closing date: Friday, 28th April 1995.
SOAS is an equal opportunities employer.

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