Please indulge

The Skeptic z900672a at
Mon Oct 10 22:25:23 UTC 1994

I seek the indulgence of the list before posing this question since it 
has nothing even remotely connected to the list but I do not know how to 
reach any knowledgeable British person. You do not have to post the 
answer to the list but send an email to me privately.

Here is the question:
Yesterday while watching Rector's Wife by Joanna Trollope on 
Masterpiece Theatre, I am puzzled by the fact of Rector's daughter being 
shunned by her fellow students in the public(protestant) school. I do not 
know what is the function and role of a rector in UK and why did the 
children accept the same girl with open arms in a Catholic school?

Aditya Mishra
Phone/FAX 305-746-0442 (Please leave message)
email:  z900672a at


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