Two questions

indinst at indinst at
Wed Feb 17 09:26:20 UTC 1993

Dear Raj,
You may find the following book helpful if you are looking for descriptions of

Singh, Sarva Daman
Ancient Indian warfare with special reference to the Vedic period.
Leiden : Brill, 1965.

It has a good chapter on Arms and Armour and a bibliography which may give you
some pointers to other works. I have only used it to look up about archery but
I am sure it will contain some information about body armour,

Best wishes,
Gillian Evison.
Indian Institute Library			Email: INDINST @ UK.AC.OX.VAX
(A department of the Bodleian Library)
Oxford                                          Telephone: (0865) 277082
OX1 3BG                                         Telex: 83656


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