
Vilok (V.) Kusumakar vilok at CA.BNR
Mon Dec 7 14:56:00 UTC 1992

In message "Re: indhist", you write:
>"get indhist xxe" to the address "listserv at" and the
>package will be returned to you as email.  Then you need to run
>it through the program XXdecode, followed by unZIP.  Then you
I have heard of uudecode/encode but not XXencode ? My workstation
running HP-UX 8.0 does not have it. I tried uudecode but it doesn't
work. What is XXencode ? Where can I get XXencode from ? Also I
don't have zip/unzip.
Can somebody also get indhist converted to uuencode + compressed ?
I thought these are the two more commonly available mailing and
compression programs.
Vilok Kusumakar                    OSI Protocols for tomorrow......
vilok at                       Bell-Northern Research, Ltd.
Phone: (613) 763-2273              P.O. Box 3511, Station C
Fax:   (613) 765-4777              Ottawa, Ontario, K1Y 4H7

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